131012 Abandoned Shoe

By October 13, 2012 Uncategorized, zBlog Archives

I never cease to be amazed by what is abandoned on the street and my imagination goes into overdrive asking questions about how things get left behind.  I have visions of some poor child having to hop home because they’ve lost  a shoe, but why did they take it off in the first place?  Or had they just bought new shoes and one of the old ones fell out of the bag?  I guess we’ll never know.  I’m intrigued by abandoned stuff and am working on a nice little collection of it.

Today’s photographic adventure was a trip to the “Out of Focus” exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery.  Not having done my homework properly, I was expecting to see a whole load of out of focus images – a technique I find very effective, powerful and convincing when used properly (and I’m not talking about my own accidental lack of focusing!).  It’s an art form that I would like to experiment with a lot more, as the lack of detail really helps emphasise other attributes.  So I dragged the long-suffering MisterMac off to SW3 this morning.  However, had I googled it before I went, I would have seen the following:  ‘Don’t worry, you won’t be going seeing a room full of out of focus shots! The exhibition provides a collection of photographs with no common subject matter and reflects each individual artists perception of contemporary art, hence the term “Out of Focus”.’            Hmmmmmm…


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