030414 More than just a lowlihead

By April 3, 2014 zBlog Archives

030414_LRA bit of a Chinese buffet today – something for everyone. The driving force was, of course, the word of the day, which was “lowlihead” (‘Humility, meekness’, OED) and I thought Jesus on a WWI memorial provided that. But the added bonus … by getting the memorial, I can submit this for the DVJ WWI project; the blossom entitles me to submit to ‘London, Naturally’and it’s also another street in the bag for Bleeding London. A four-edged sword … or is it? Elsewhere, I’m looking at the usage of the expression “double-edged sword”. Is it a double advantage, since both sides are sharp or does it mean that one edge counters the other? Initial findings indicate a 50:50 split, but it’s early days yet.

Day #93 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.