020614 Bat-Hero

By June 2, 2014 zBlog Archives

020614_LROk, so “hero’ should have been really easy, but of several definitions available, the OED chose:’Classical Mythol. and Ancient Greek Hist. A man (or occas. a woman) of superhuman strength, courage, or ability, favoured by the gods; esp. one regarded as semi-divine and immortal. Also in extended use, denoting similar figures in non-classical myths or legends.’ As I wasn’t really paying attention, I went down the super-hero route to Gotham City, where I found a Bat-Cave with the new Batmobile under wraps cunningly disguised as a Lamborghini to throw the Joker and other villains off the scent. By the time I’d found and superimposed a picture of the comic-hero himself, to add a little authenticity to this unlikely tale, I realise that it would have been much quicker to nip over to Hyde Park and snap the statue of Hercules!

Day #153 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.