250814 London Ragery

By August 25, 2014 zBlog Archives

“Ragery” meaning ‘Wantonness, gaiety, sprightliness; an instance of this’ (OED) should have been an easy one for a Bleeding London day – afterall, we generally eat, drink and be merry. Today our bedraggled band was merry enough in the face of the torrential rain, but I wouldn’t really call it “ragery” and there was, sadly, no wantonness to be had – that is wanton in the lustful, mischievous sense rather than the malicious inhuman sense. Furthermore, my Leica got drenched and ceased working, so I had to revert to my iPhone, but a couple of instances of inadvertently videoing the inside of my pocket meant that the battery didn’t last very long:-S. Thankfully, I managed to grab this “Rave” graffito tag before it packed up as I reckon there was probably more ragery at the rave than there was on our shoot.

Day #234 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.