101214 Filk at HN

By December 10, 2014 zBlog Archives

As soon as I saw today’s word “filk” (‘Among science fiction and fantasy fans: a type of popular music, commonly performed at fan conventions, characterized by the use of familiar or traditional songs whose lyrics have been rewritten or parodied (usually on themes drawn from science fiction or fantasy writing), or sometimes original songs with similar content. Chiefly attrib., esp. as filk song, filk-singing, etc.’, OED) I knew the place to go was Harvey Nichols, as their Christmas window displays are always weird and wonderful. The store did not disappoint with some interesting alien creatures adorning the windows and even better, there were hidden speakers amongst the alien foliage playing filk to the passers-by. With hindsight, I should have recorded it and embedded an example in this post.

Day #340 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.