So a few of us have been waltzing around Vienna. We started with the launch of Wiener Blut and then had the intention of doing the alternative sight-seeing tour, led by yours truly. However, as JET put it so succinctly, ‘coffee and cocktails’ hampered our progress. As it is a Viennese week, it seems apposite to have a quote from the great Austrian Nobel Laureate, Jelinek and this is one of my favourites: ‘you’ve often seen in the cinema, erich, that between extraordinary people extraordinary things, such as an extraordinary love, can develop. so we only have to be extraordinary and see what happens.’ (Elfriede Jelinek, Die Liebhaberinnen)
I am going to be extraordinary …
[Original text: du hast doch schon oft, erich, im kino gesehen, daß zwischen außergewöhnlichen personen außergewöhnliche dinge wie zum beispiel eine außergewöhnliche liebe entstehen kann. wir müssen also nur außergewöhnlich sein und schauen, was passiert.]