Otto is getting ready for his big role in Der Freischütz (an opera that deserves better coverage IMHO) and the end of Chapter 3. Oh my, what an ending … we didn’t see that coming or did we? I’m never sure how much foreshadowing to include. I hate books that spring things on the reader without any advance hintette, but on the other hand, you don’t want it spelled out to the extent that it ruins the surprise of the turn in the plot. Trust me, I had a lot of fun with the description of the Wolf’s Glen. Image from the Praterallee, which features in the novel.
Wordcount for day 19: 1,681 Cumulative word count: 37,766
NaNoWriMo Playlist – Track 19
Milch des Mondes from Der Freischütz by Carl Maria von Weber