"Balloonacy" is such a great word, but with the meaning of: 'Mania for ballooning; balloon madness', (OED), I'm not sure how often it will surface in my daily discourse as I hate balloons. I don't like them when they burst,…
I'm becoming increasingly disappointed by the OED. I thought that today's word might have some Easterly connection, even if tenuous, but instead the OED has chosen "nushnik" meaning: 'An outhouse containing a toilet, usually without plumbing', (OED). Hmmm - I'm…
The trappings and paraphernalia of the "Oyabun' ('In Japan: a boss, a chief; spec. the boss of an organized crime syndicate or of a labour organisation', OED) as opposed to a picture of the oyabun himself. Day #94 of the…
"Obnubilate" means: 'To darken, dim, cover, or hide with or as with a cloud; to obscure, render indistinct. Freq. fig.', (OED) and it would have been a good word for eclipse day. Any photo today would have worked for obnubilate…
A "Paladar" is: 'In Cuba: a small, independent, family-run restaurant, situated in a private home', (OED). This picture was not taken in Cuba, but it was situated in a private home and it does depict a small family-run kitchen. The…
Being April the first, there was the usual handful of April fool frolics - although the real news is often so bizarre, that it becomes more difficult each year to identify them. I'm sure there was a "plisky" ('A mischievous…
The wettest August bank holiday on record. Both my camera and I got drenched. I survived, but the shutter jammed on the M9 and this time, a gentle blow-dry didn't resolve the problem, so no Leica for most of the day.…
My parents always said I was a "precocious" child, but I now discover that the word can also be used for plants, as it means: ''Of a plant: flowering, fruiting, etc., unusually early; spec. producing flowers before the leaves are…
A lovely spring day, just right for a tramp around the Broadwater Farm Estate. You, dear reader, can neither see nor hear the "paradiddle" ('Music. One of the basic patterns (rudiments) of drumming, consisting of four even strokes played in…
A "movable feast" is: 'A religious feast day which, though always on the same day of the week, does not occur on the same calendar date each year.’ (OED) And today is Palm Sunday - one of those movable feasts.…
'Game' is oft used in rhetoric (as in the 'game of life'), so a ball game seemed a good choice to portray "trope" where a trope is: 'Rhetoric. A figure of speech which consists in the use of a word…
To "niff" means:'To emit an odour or smell, esp. an unpleasant one; to stink.’ (OED) And the new gas pipe definitely niffed during its installation. Day #87 of the second 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED…
"Good-enough Morgan" means 'An issue or talking point used to influence voters temporarily, typically in the period preceding an election.’ (OED). If the selfie ban spreads, I'm sure this will become a good-enough Morgan in the future; and whichever party…
This part of North London does not encourage one to 'mither' oneself in comfty clothes. I have come across the word 'mither' many times, with reference to making a fuss, but not in the sense of: 'To smother, muffle up;…
Harry, from the Daily Telegraph, marvellously trotted round a lot of Bleeding London with me today. This is the mid-gammock wine break, where a "gammock" is: 'A piece of fun; a game, a jest; a frolic. Freq. in pl.: antics, ‘tricks’,…
A most frustrating day dealing with red tape, which needed a large pair of shears and a scouting badge in knots. Not much time to go and hunt down barbers in the hope of finding something to suit "marquisette", which…
I bet there was a touch of "emportment" ('A spell of anger or strong feeling; a fit of passion. Also as a mass noun: anger, fury', OED) in Wilton Crescent this morning as residents were woken by the sound of…
Selfie - dark - "ringy" ('Irritable; ‘ornery’; angry.’ OED) because the boiler has packed up yet again. Growl, grrrrrr Day #80 of the second 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.
I think daffodils represent spring, and we have rather a splendid crop this year, so daffs it is for today's word, which is primaveral: 'Of or taking place in (early) spring. Also fig.’ (OED) - although the spellcheck would prefer…
A "proem" is: 'An introductory discourse at the beginning of a piece of writing; a preface, preamble.’ (OED), which can sometimes be a teaser and these are my favourite teasers. Day #78 of the second 365 project, where the daily…