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290413 Tower Hamlets

Recce of Tower Hamlets cemetery with a view to shooting there later in the year. This is now the fourth of the 'Magnificent Seven' Victorian cemeteries I've visited and they are all utterly charming.
April 29, 2013
zBlog Archives

280413 First of Many

This building will soon be undergoing a change, which will involve major refurbishment or demolition. I plan to snap it more often to try and get lots of shots for posterity.
April 28, 2013
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240413 Blackpool

I didn't realise that the illuminations don't start until September. 1879 saw them light up for the first time, when they were described as 'Autumn Sunshine' (although I doubt in Victorian times that they had lampposts covered with yellow "M"s…
April 24, 2013
zBlog Archives

230413 Guilty?

 As part of my on-going rubbish project, I've come across a fascinating book:  Litter - How other people's rubbish shapes our lives by Theodore Dalrymple. The story so far ... Britain has a litter problem. There are many different species…
April 23, 2013
zBlog Archives

210413 Jak’s?

Whenever I go away, I notice when I get home that another shop or restaurant is being renovated only to re-open as something different. Parking suspended, wooden surrounds encroaching on the road causing traffic chaos and all that stuff being…
April 21, 2013
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200413 Naschmarkt

I love the Saturday flea market at the Naschmarkt! There is just so much interesting toot for sale, all jumbled up together - broken radios fight old crocks for space, pirated films nestle amongst the tatty paperbacks, jigsaws with pieces…
April 20, 2013
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180413 Snoozing

A common sight when the sun shines - the snoozers on the edge of the Danube canal. Don't they worry about rolling over and plummeting straight into the fast-flowing depths of the not so blue Danube? I prefer to enjoy…
April 18, 2013
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1701413 Re-cycling

As Burgenland is a major wine-growing area, there are endless opportunities for tasting and drinking, which means many bottles for re-cycling. Today is clearly collection day and at least the green is in keeping with the decor, even if the…
April 17, 2013
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160413 Podersdorf

A boat trip to Podersdorf and Austria's only lighthouse. Follow the lighthouse and avoid the Schilf (the reedy things that seem to be taking over the lake but provide a habitat for all sorts of interesting wildlife).
April 16, 2013
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090413 Stonehenge

And yes, it is not Stonehenge, but it was supposed to be. I used to be good at map-reading, but since I've had SatNav, I've become somewhat lazy. I had a meeting on the south coast today and was slavishly…
April 9, 2013
zBlog Archives

080413 Finally took the plunge

Actually, I'm rather glad I didn't plunge - it would have been a long way down, for today I was at the top of the Shard. The views are so amazing that I was even able to temporarily overcome my…
April 8, 2013